Notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of Lutsen Township, County of Cook, State of Minnesota, that the Annual Election of Town Officers and Annual Town Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. In case of inclement weather, the meeting and election may be postponed until the third Tuesday, March 18, 2025. A second date due to inclement weather will be Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
The Election Poll hours will be from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., at which time the voters will elect:
One Supervisor for a term of 3 years, and
One Clerk for a term of 2 years.
The Annual Meeting will begin at 8:05 p.m. to conduct all necessary business. This will include resident authorization of donations, community celebrations, and the proposed 2026 budget.
Location: Lutsen Town Hall
116 Caribou Trail
Lutsen, MN 55612
Absentee ballots are available by calling the Clerk at 663-7002 or writing to Lutsen Town Clerk, P.O. Box 151, Lutsen, MN 55612 or email lutsentownship@gmail.com .
The Clerk will be at the Lutsen Town Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday, March 8, 2025 for absentee voting. Any qualified voter who has not registered may do so at the polls before voting with proper identification.
The Board of Canvass will meet immediately following the Annual Town Meeting to certify official election results.
Special Meeting Notice
Lutsen Township Election Canvass Board
Notice is hereby given that the Lutsen Township local Election Canvassing Board will meet on Tuesday March 11, 2025 at 8:00pm in the township office 116 Caribou Trail, Lutsen MN to certify results of the March 11, 2025 local Election of township officers. Any inquiries please contact clerk Samantha Mcquatters-Spangle at 218.663.7002
Please email lutsentownship@gmail.com 1 day prior to meetings, if requesting specific zoom meeting set up as zoom is not set up for every meeting.
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Bone Builders Town Hall Mondays & Wednesdays 10-11 a.m.
Visit Cook County Links for current information on trails, maps and local business hours:
Hiking safely during hunting seasons: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/adventures/hunting/
Trail Conditions:
Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Trails & Conditions: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/adventures/alpine-skiing-snowboarding/
Cross Country Ski Trails & Conditions: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/adventures/cross-country-skiing/
Snowmobiling Trails & Conditions: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/adventures/snowmobiling/
Biking Trails & Conditions: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/adventures/biking/
All Trails Guide: https://blog.visitcookcounty.com/find-winter-adventures-on-cook-county-trails
Top Snowshoe Trails: https://blog.visitcookcounty.com/the-best-snowshoe-trails-in-cook-county-mn
And of course, we're actively updating Local Business Hours and changes that occur for Dining, Retail and Services: https://www.visitcookcounty.com/resources/media-room/business-hours/
This is an announcement for the possibilty of having a quorum of Lutsen Township supervisors attending any Fire and EMS meetings on the second, third, and fourth Mondays each month. Dates provided on the calendar under the Hall Rental then Availability tab.